Maryland Legal Aid endeavors to maintain a safe operating environment, at all times, for all employees and visitors. As such, Maryland Legal Aid prohibits all visitors from bringing weapons of any sort, into any of our offices/buildings.
Specifically, weapons include, but are not limited to:
Firearms and Projectile Weapons (e.g. Guns, Stun Guns, Ammunition, etc.)
Bladed, Edged, or Sharp Tools or Implements (e.g. Knives, Axes, Box Cutters, etc.)
Club-like Items and Striking Devices (e.g. Night Sticks, Brass Knuckles, Blackjacks, etc.)
Destructive Devices, Explosives, or Combustible Chemical Compounds and Mixtures (e.g. Gunpowder, Flammable Liquid, Fireworks, etc.)
Explosives, or other destructive devices, including their individual parts or components, that are designed, redesigned, used, intended for use, or readily converted to cause injury, death, or property damage.
Authorized and licensed City, State, and Federal agents that enter our premises for emergency purposes and/or other official business are exempt from this policy. However, this policy exception does not extend to private security officers, or off-duty law enforcement officers that are clients of Maryland Legal Aid and entering our premises for services or other purposes.